Ardross Ecological Survey
The Ardross Community Council commissioned an Ecological Survey in early 2024. This has now been published as a Draft. The Ardross Community Council are inviting comments before publishing the final Survey. You can download the Draft Survey here.
If you wish to make any comments on the Draft Survey please get in touch using the Contact Form Or getting in touch using the Make a Comment button below.
Ardross has many varied landscapes and because of this a wide range of flora and fauna. The survey was compiled using a variety of sources. Previous Environmental Statements, field work and input from local residents. There is a diverse eco-system in Ardross that includes some of Scotland’s most vulnerable species. The Ardross Community Council wishes to see these protected from the extreme development pressure from large scale energy projects. The first step is to have a comprehensive Survey that lists and assesses them to inform decisions in the future.
Anybody who would like to be part of an Ardross Conservation Group to work in the future to increase the biodiversity in the area should get in touch or use the button below to Register an Interest.
Many thanks to those landowners that allowed access to their land to allow the field work to be done and all the people that fed their observations into the process.